Welcome to

Rolling In Golf Club

Dedicated to the Promotion, Support
and the Playing of Golf

Training Tips



If stance and structure is about setting yourself up for consistency…


Rotation is about power.


Most high handicappers, those who struggle to control the ball, and short knockers swing with their arms…If you want power, distance, and consistency, you need to learn how to rotate and swing the club with your body.  One of the reasons you lose distance as you get older is that you stop rotating.


When you rotate with your body, speed and power feels easy.

Board of Directors:

• Tom Butwin - President
Scott Moore - President Emeritus & Gam Delegate
• Bill Siegert - Vice President
• Ron Graham - Secretary
• Bob Hagedorn - Treasurer
• Wynn Miller - Asst. Treasurer
• Ed Phillips - Director at Large
• Rob McKay - Director at Large
• Mike Whitty - Webmaster