Welcome to

Rolling In Golf Club

Dedicated to the Promotion, Support
and the Playing of Golf





“RIGC Golf Towel and Divot Tool” on sale now for $15.00 each---just in time for your travel to the south for the winter.

RIGC Windbreaker - $60


This product is made by The Weather apparel Co. They are located in North Carolina.


Go to their website and look at product #58022,

 that is the product that I have negotiated with TWAC on pricing. Once you pick your price and size, send it to me. Your cost for the weather top is $60.00 which includes the shipping/handling and the logo embroidering. If you make the order yourself, you will get billed for about $70.00 so remember to send the order to me. The turn-around time for this is about 10-14 days which includes the logo.


When you place the order with me, I will collect from you the following golf plus the charges.  Make your check out to RIGC–apparel.



RIGC Logo Shirt - $60


RIGC Logo Golf Shirts



  • Under Armour solid color
  • Pick your colors size
  • Order to Rod Cooper $60.00 paid to RIGC apparel.

Board of Directors:

• Tom Butwin - President
Scott Moore - President Emeritus & Gam Delegate
• Bill Siegert - Vice President
• Ron Graham - Secretary
• Bob Hagedorn - Treasurer
• Wynn Miller - Asst. Treasurer
• Ed Phillips - Director at Large
• Rob McKay - Director at Large
• Mike Whitty - Webmaster